7 Unhealthy Food In Disguise

Eating healthy is all the rage right now. With obesity and diet-related illnesses being at an all-time high, it’s becoming more and more important to be vigilant of the food you consume. This trend, however, has also given birth to a new commercial strategy that seeks to lure people into buying food by making them appear healthy.

Your health is your greatest wealth. So, if you don’t want your health investments to go to waste, be mindful of the following unhealthy foods disguised as nutritious options.

Vegan Snacks

Nowadays, anything labeled as “vegan” can easily attract consumers looking to improve their diets. However, it’s important to note that vegan snacks are produced in the same way regular snacks are — processed and with preservatives. They offer a considerable degree of health benefits, but they are still processed goods that you might want to consume in moderation.

Factory-made Organic Foods


Like vegan options, anything labeled with the word “organic” has the power to lure the oblivious health junkie. According to some experts, the difference between organic ingredients and non-organic is basically close to nothing. Organic ingredients like sugar cane and vegetable oil are still the same as the “inorganic” ones, so there’s hardly any difference in nutritional value there. You’re still spending your investment money on the same unhealthy ingredients, so better be careful.

Anything Gluten-free


Another diet fad that pulled in so many health-conscious fans in recent years is the gluten-free craze. While avoiding gluten can alleviate some health concerns in some individuals, experts have pointed out that it doesn’t really make that much difference for most people. If anything, it might even cause more harm than good. Studies have shown that gluten-free foods that have been processed contain starches that could lead to an increase in blood sugar. This is, of course, not good for you and your health insurance. Better to just eat something that’s naturally gluten-free, like your leafy greens.

Rice Malt Syrup

There are many healthy sweetener options in the market today, but not everything will actually do you good. A prime example of this is rice malt syrup or brown rice syrup. Its major claim to fame is its lack of refined fructose, but with a 98 score in glycemic index, this sugar alternative might just spike your glucose level if you’re not careful. If you want a much better alternative, consider swiping your credit card for xylitol, stevia, and erythritol.

Sports Drink

The industry that produces sports drinks is pretty huge, and that’s mainly because their product promises several benefits compared to most commercial beverages out there. Primarily made for athletes, sports drinks have since flown off the shelves, promising consumers to replenish electrolytes and salts. While this isn’t as bad as your regular sugary drink, most people don’t even need to drink this and are better off swiping their credit cards for plain water.

Store-bought Salad Dressings


Salads and leafy greens are, without a doubt, great! However, eating them raw and plain is simply dull and, to put it plainly, slightly gross. Of course, the convenience and variety of store-bought salad dressings are quite attractive, but remember that these are processed products with several artificial ingredients in them. Eating leafy greens and other vegetables is indeed a great health investment. Just make sure you’re not ruining that with add-ons that may be harmful to your health.

Low-carb Snacks

Diets that are low in carbohydrates have been a weight-loss trend for who knows how long. However, low-carb does not always equate to healthy, especially when it comes to snacks and junk foods. This because low-carb options are technically lower in nutritional values. That’s not to say, though, that it’s a bad investment. It’s still effective in making you lose weight, but just be more cautious about your intake.

These are just some examples of food disguising around as healthy options, but there are more where that came from. You may still consume some of the items listed above. However, if you’re serious about going down that healthy route, you should be vigilant about the items you purchase at the supermarket. You don’t want to spend your investment money on food that would ultimately defeat the purpose of going healthy. It’s best that you do some research first.
